Wood Planing Services
Expert Wood Planing Services in Raleigh, NC
Precision Planing for Smooth, Even Wood Surfaces
Perfect for Your Woodworking Projects at Oak City Customs
52" Double Helical Jointer/Planer
With only a handful produced worldwide, this 192HP machine is the largest on the East Coast, USA! Featuring a 40HP feed, the NorthTech Double Helical Jointer/Planer can save you a ton of time, while ensuring your panel is flat. To learn more about this machine, watch the full video, give us a call, or stop in - we'd love to give you a tour and help with your project!
- $1.50 / SQFT (Total SQFT is calculated, including both sides)
- $150 / Hour General Shop Services
- $50 Shop minimum applied when sqft or lnft of items serviced do not reach this total
- $150 Hourly shop rate applied when services take over 30 minutes, unless lnft or sqft of items serviced exceed this rate