Wood Panel Handling Guide

Wood Panel Handling Guide

How To Handle & Maintain Custom Wood Panels

  • Wood is a natural product that is subject to dimensional changes based on temperature, humidity, moisture and its ability to "breathe"
  • Make sure both sides of panels are subject to the same conditions to avoid warping
  • Apply finish to both sides equally
  • Do not leave panel in the sun
  • Support panel fully across its width
  • Carry and transport panel with forces along its length
  • Allow time to acclimate to changes in environmental conditions (Large change in temperature or humidity can cause bowing or shrinkage/expansion in the panel)Consider wood can shrink/expand by up to 2% of its width after kiln dried, therefore you must allow for this movement in fasteners and overall assembly. Use oversized or slotted connections to allow fasteners to move
  • Effective methods for filling cracks and imperfections are: Epoxy, CA Glue, KnotTec glue gun, Wood Glue, & Wood Filler